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2024-02-23 10:28:13 +08:00
subroutine RTTOV_fwd( nchannels , &
channelbegin , &
platformid , &
satid , &
insid , &
coefffile , &
scattcoef_file , &
emisfilepath , &
zeemancoef_file, &
spectype , &
nlevels , &
T , &
q , &
cloud , &
cfrac , &
CO2 , &
O3 , &
CH4 , &
N2O , &
CO , &
t2m , &
q2m , &
u10m , &
v10m , &
ts , &
psfc , &
dem , &
pressure , &
lat , &
lon , &
landseamask , &
year , &
month , &
zenith , &
azimuth , &
sunzang , &
sunazang , &
emiss_in , &
coefs , &
quality , &
Use rttov_const, Only : &
& errorstatus_success, &
& errorstatus_fatal, &
& platform_name, &
& inst_name, &
& sensor_id_mw, &
& sensor_id_po, &
& sensor_id_ir, &
& sensor_id_hi, &
& ir_scatt_dom, &
& surftype_sea
Use rttov_types, Only : &
& rttov_coefs, &
& rttov_options, &
& rttov_pccomp, &
& rttov_scatt_coef, &
& rttov_chanprof, &
& rttov_traj, &
& rttov_profile, &
& rttov_transmission, &
& rttov_radiance, &
& rttov_radiance2, &
& rttov_emissivity, &
& rttov_reflectance, &
& rttov_s2m, &
& rttov_skin, &
& rttov_geometry, &
& rttov_profile_cloud, &
& rttov_profile_scatt_aux
Use parkind1, Only : jpim, jprb, jplm
USE mod_rttov_emis_atlas, ONLY : &
rttov_emis_atlas_data, &
atlas_type_ir, atlas_type_mw
Use rttov_getoptions, Only : getoption
Use yomhook, Only : lhook, dr_hook
Use rttov_lun
Use rttov_unix_env, Only: rttov_exit
Use rttov_zutility
Use HDF5
Use netcdf
implicit none
INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
!Implicit None
INCLUDE 'netcdf.inc'
#include "rttov_direct.interface"
#include "rttov_parallel_direct.interface"
#include "rttov_make_profile_inc.interface"
#include "rttov_scale_profile_inc.interface"
#include "rttov_make_radiance_inc.interface"
#include "rttov_scale_radiance_inc.interface"
#include "rttov_make_pccomp_inc.interface"
#include "rttov_scale_pccomp_inc.interface"
#include "rttov_init_coefs.interface"
#include "rttov_read_coefs.interface"
#include "rttov_dealloc_coefs.interface"
#include "rttov_alloc_rad.interface"
#include "rttov_init_rad.interface"
#include "rttov_alloc_prof.interface"
#include "rttov_init_transmission.interface"
#include "rttov_alloc_transmission.interface"
#include "rttov_alloc_pccomp.interface"
#include "rttov_add_prof.interface"
#include "rttov_copy_prof.interface"
#include "rttov_copy_rad.interface"
#include "rttov_alloc_traj.interface"
#include "rttov_errorreport.interface"
#include "rttov_read_scattcoeffs.interface"
#include "rttov_dealloc_scattcoeffs.interface"
#include "rttov_scatt_setupindex.interface"
#include "rttov_scatt.interface"
#include "rttov_scatt_ad.interface"
#include "rttov_alloc_scatt_prof.interface"
#include "rttov_setup_emis_atlas.interface"
#include "rttov_get_emis.interface"
#include "rttov_deallocate_emis_atlas.interface"
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: iout=23 ! unit for output
Integer (Kind=jpim) :: nprof = 1 ! Number of profiles per call
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nrttovid = 1 ! Number of sensor coeff files to read
! RTTOV_errorhandling interface
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: Err_Unit ! Logical error unit (<0 for default)
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: verbosity_level ! (<0 for default)
! RTTOV_setup interface
! Integer(Kind=jpim) :: setup_errorstatus ! setup return code
Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: instruments(:,:) ! platform id, sat id and sensor id
Type(rttov_options) :: opts ! Options structure
Type(rttov_coefs) :: coefs ! Coefficients structure
INTEGER(HID_T) :: space
! RTTOV interface
! Integer(Kind=jpim) :: rttov_errorstatus ! rttov error return code
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nchannels, nchanprof,channelbegin, channelend,channelbin
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: nlevels, nlayers
Type(rttov_chanprof), Allocatable :: chanprof(:)
Type(rttov_profile), Allocatable :: profiles(:)
Logical(Kind=jplm), Allocatable :: calcemis(:)
TYPE(rttov_emis_atlas_data) :: emis_atlas
TYPE(rttov_emissivity), Allocatable :: emiss(:)
Type(rttov_transmission) :: transmission ! transmittances and layer optical depths
Type(rttov_radiance) :: radiance
TYPE(rttov_radiance2) :: radiance2
Real(Kind=4),dimension(nchannels) :: bt,emiss_out,emiss_in
Integer(kind=4),dimension(nchannels) :: quality
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: alloc_status(20)
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: errorstatus
Real(Kind=jprb), Allocatable :: emissivity(:)
Character (len=80) :: errMessage
Character (len=13) :: NameOfRoutine = 'RTTOV_fwd_clr'
character(len=400) :: coefffile
Character (len=400) :: emisfilepath
Character (len=400) :: zeemancoef_file
Integer(Kind=jpim), Parameter :: mxchn = 9000 ! max number of channels
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: input_chan(mxchn)
Real(Kind=jprb) :: input_ems(mxchn)
!==================for read satellite.HDF===================
Real(Kind=jprb) :: zenith
Real(Kind=jprb) :: azimuth
Real(Kind=jprb) :: sunzang
Real(Kind=jprb) :: sunazang
Real(Kind=jprb) :: lat
real(kind=jprb) :: lon
integer(kind=4) :: landseamask
integer(Kind=jpim) :: year
integer(Kind=jpim) :: month
integer(Kind=jpim) :: day
!=======================for read NWP=====================
real(kind=4),dimension(nlevels) :: pressure
real(kind=4),allocatable,dimension(:) :: pressureh
real(kind=4),dimension(nlevels) :: T,q,CO2,O3,N2O,CO,CH4,cfrac
real(kind=4),dimension(6,nlevels-1) :: cloud
real(kind=4) :: PSFC,ts,q2m,t2m,u10m,v10m,dem
real(kind=jprb) :: ZeemanBe, ZeemanCosbk, ZeemanCosba
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: ivch, ich
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: asw ! allocate or deallocate switch
Real(Kind=jprb) :: ems_val
Integer(Kind=jpim), Allocatable :: nchan(:) ! number of channels per profile
logical(Kind=jplm) :: addrefrac
logical(Kind=jplm) :: addsolar
logical(Kind=jplm) :: addaerosl
logical(Kind=jplm) :: addclouds
logical(Kind=jplm) :: all_channels
INTEGER(KIND=jpim) :: atlas_type
logical(Kind=jplm) :: init= .True.
INTEGER(KIND=jpim) :: dosolar !0=no, 1=yes
INTEGER(KIND=jpim) :: nthreads
Logical(Kind=jplm) :: addinterp ! switch for the interpolator
Logical(kind=jplm) :: ismin(3,3)
! printing arrays
real(kind=4) :: filvalue(5)
Integer(Kind=jpim) :: j, jch, i, ii, jj, scanl, scanp,kk
Character (len=10) :: spectype
Character (len=14) :: strtime
Character (len=300) :: configfile,scattcoef_file
character :: strmonth*2
integer :: narg=0,platformid,satid,insid
integer :: nchan_array(2)
errorstatus = 0_jpim
alloc_status(:) = 0_jpim
filvalue(:) = -9999.0
allocate (instruments(3,1),stat= alloc_status(1))
Allocate (nchan(1))
instruments(1,1) = platformid
instruments(2,1) = satid
instruments(3,1) = insid
nlayers = nlevels-1
pressureh(1:nlevels-1) = (pressure(2:nlevels) - pressure(:nlevels-1) ) / &
!===============end of read NWP data=============================================================
zenith = 74.5_jprb
IF (dosolar == 1) THEN
opts % rt_ir % addsolar = .TRUE. ! Include solar radiation
opts % rt_ir % addsolar = .FALSE. ! Do not include solar radiation
!opts % interpolation % interp_mode = 1
opts % interpolation % addinterp = .TRUE. ! Allow interpolation of input profile
opts % interpolation % interp_mode = 1 ! Set interpolation method
opts % rt_all % addrefrac = .TRUE. ! Include refraction in path calc
opts % rt_ir % addaerosl = .FALSE. ! Don't include aerosol effects
opts % rt_ir % addclouds = .TRUE. ! Include cloud effects
opts % rt_ir % ir_sea_emis_model = 2
opts % rt_ir % ir_scatt_model = 1 ! Scattering model for emission source term:
! 1 => DOM; 2 => Chou-scaling
opts % rt_ir % vis_scatt_model = 1 ! Scattering model for solar source term:
! 1 => DOM; 2 => single-scattering
opts % rt_ir % grid_box_avg_cloud = .TRUE.
opts % rt_ir % dom_nstreams = 4 ! Number of streams for Discrete Ordinates (DOM)
opts % rt_ir % ozone_data = .TRUE. ! Set the relevant flag to .TRUE.
opts % rt_ir % co2_data = .FALSE. ! when supplying a profile of the
opts % rt_ir % n2o_data = .FALSE. ! given trace gas (ensure the
opts % rt_ir % ch4_data = .FALSE. ! coef file supports the gas)
opts % rt_ir % co_data = .FALSE. !
opts % rt_ir % so2_data = .FALSE. !
opts % config % apply_reg_limits = .TRUE.
opts % config % do_checkinput = .TRUE.
opts % config % verbose = .TRUE. ! Enable printing of warnings
!======================mixed gas mixing ratio(ppmv)===================================
! channelbegin = 1_jpim
channelbin = nchannels
Allocate(chanprof(channelbin)) ! Note these array sizes nchan can vary per profile
DO jch = channelbegin, channelbegin+channelbin-1
chanprof(jch-channelbegin+1)%prof = 1_jpim
chanprof(jch-channelbegin+1)%chan = jch-channelbegin+1 !input_chan(jch)
input_chan(jch-channelbegin+1) = jch
End Do
! call rttov_read_coefs (errorstatus, coefs, opts, &
! channels = input_chan(1:channelbin), &
! channels_rec = input_chan(1:channelbin),&
! file_coef=trim(coefffile))
nchan(nprof) = coefs % coef % fmv_chn
! print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~',coefs%coef%fmv_chn
! print*,'coeffile=',trim(coefffile)
! print*,'ff_chn',coefs%coef%ff_ori_chn
! print*,'ff_wavn',coefs%coef%ff_cwn
! call rttov_init_coefs (errorstatus, opts, coefs)
!============end of read coefficient========================
nchanprof = channelbin * nprof
Allocate(emiss (channelbin))
Allocate(calcemis (channelbin))
Allocate(profiles (nprof))
! atlas_type = atlas_type_ir
! print*,'month=',month,atlas_type
! if(landseamask/=3)then
! call rttov_setup_emis_atlas(errorstatus,opts,month,atlas_type,emis_atlas,coefs=coefs,path=emisfilepath)
! endif
! stop
! if(trim(spectype)=='AMSUA')then
! call rttov_atlas_setup(errorstatus,month,coefs%coef,path=emisfilepath,mw_atlas_ver=200)
! errorstatus = load_bfield_lut(zeemancoef_file)
! else
! call rttov_atlas_setup(errorstatus,month,coefs%coef,path=emisfilepath)
! endif
asw = 1 ! allocate
!profiles(1) % nlevels = nlevels
call rttov_alloc_prof( &
& errorstatus, &
& nprof, &
& profiles, &
& nlevels, &
& opts, &
& asw, &
& coefs, &
& init )
call rttov_alloc_transmission( &
& errorstatus, &
& transmission, &
& nlevels, &
& channelbin, &
& asw, &
& init)
call rttov_alloc_rad ( &
& errorstatus, &
& channelbin, &
& radiance, &
& nlevels, &
& asw, &
& radiance2, &
& init)
call compute_bfield (lat, lon, zenith, azimuth, ZeemanBe, ZeemanCosbk, ZeemanCosba)
profiles(1) % Be = ZeemanBe
profiles(1) % cosbk = ZeemanCosbk
profiles(1) % zenangle = zenith
profiles(1) % azangle = azimuth
profiles(1) % latitude = lat
profiles(1) % longitude = lon
profiles(1) % sunzenangle = sunzang
profiles(1) % sunazangle = sunazang
profiles(1) % elevation = dem
profiles(1) % mmr_cldaer = .TRUE.
! print*,'azangele', profiles(1) % azangle,'zenith=',profiles(1) % zenangle
! print*,'latitude',profiles(1) % latitude,'lon',profiles(1) % longitude
! print*,'sunze', profiles(1) % sunzenangle,'sunaz',profiles(1) % sunazangle
! print*,'spectype',spectype
if (landseamask == 1) then
profiles(1) % skin % surftype = 0 !0:land
profiles(1) % skin % watertype = 0
if (landseamask == 2) then
profiles(1) % skin % surftype = 1
profiles(1) % skin % watertype = 0
if (landseamask==3 .or. landseamask==0) then
profiles(1) % skin % surftype = 1
profiles(1) % skin % watertype = 1
!====interpolate to the observation point of satellite======
! print*,'surftype=',profiles(1) % skin % surftype
profiles(1) % p(:) = pressure(:)
profiles(1) % t(:) = T(:)
!print*,'T',profiles(1) % t(:)
profiles(1) % q(:) = q(:)
!print*,'q',profiles(1) % q(:)
profiles(1) % s2m % t = t2m
!print*,'t2m',profiles(1) % s2m % t
profiles(1) % s2m % q = q2m
profiles(1) % s2m % p = psfc
!print*,'psfc',profiles(1) % s2m % p
profiles(1) % s2m % u = u10m
!print*,'u10m',profiles(1) % s2m % u
profiles(1) % s2m % v = v10m
!profiles(1) % s2m % wfetc = 1000.
profiles(1) % s2m % wfetc = 100000. !20210316
!print*,'v10m',profiles(1) % s2m % v
!-------------skin variables------------------------------
profiles(1) % skin % fastem = (/3.0, 5.0, 15.0, 0.1, 0.3/)
profiles(1) % skin % t = ts
!print*,'ts',profiles(1) % skin % t
profiles(1) % O3(:) = O3(:)
IF( opts % rt_ir % co2_data ) profiles(1) % CO2(:) = CO2(:) ! we do not have profiles
IF( opts % rt_ir % n2o_data ) profiles(1) % N2O(:) = N2O(:) ! for any other constituents
IF( opts % rt_ir % ch4_data ) profiles(1) % CH4(:) = CH4(:) !
IF( opts % rt_ir % co_data ) profiles(1) % CO(:) = CO (:)
! profiles(1) % ctp = -9999999
! profiles(1) % cfraction = 0.0
! profiles(1) % idg = 0.0
! profiles(1) % ish = 0.0
! print*,'O3', profiles(1) % O3(:)
profiles(1) % idg = 2
profiles(1) % clw_scheme = 1
profiles(1) % ice_scheme = 2
if( opts % rt_ir % addclouds ) then
profiles(1) %cloud(:,:) = cloud(:,:)
profiles(1) %cfrac(:) = cfrac(:)
where (profiles(1) %cfrac(:)<0)
profiles(1) %cfrac(:) = 0.0_jprb
where (profiles(1) %cfrac(:)>1)
profiles(1) %cfrac(:) = 1.0_jprb
if( landseamask/=3 .and. landseamask/=2)then
if(minval(emiss_in)<0.001 ) then
bt(:) = -9999.9
quality(:) = -9999
emiss(:) % emis_in = emiss_in(:)
calcemis(:) = .False.
IF (nthreads <= 1) THEN
call rttov_direct( &
& errorstatus, &! out error flag
& chanprof, &! in channel and profile index structure
& opts, &! in options structure
& profiles, &! in profile array
& coefs, &
& transmission, &! inout computed transmittances
& radiance, &
& calcemis=calcemis, &
& emissivity=emiss &! inout input emissivities per channel
call rttov_parallel_direct( &
& errorstatus, &! out error flag
& chanprof, &! in channel and profile index structure
& opts, &! in options structure
& profiles, &! in profile array
& coefs, &
& transmission, &! inout computed transmittances
& radiance, &
& calcemis=calcemis, &
& emissivity=emiss, &! inout input emissivities per channel
& nthreads= nthreads &
if(radiance % bt(1)<0)then
print*,' RTTOV EXIT : calculation error'
bt(:) = radiance%bt(:)
quality(:) = radiance%quality(:)
emiss_out(:) = emiss(:) % emis_out
! print*,'emiss_land=',emiss_out
emiss(:) % emis_in = emiss_in(:)
calcemis(:) = .True.
! print*,'****', emiss_in(:), calcemis(1:5)
IF (nthreads <= 1) THEN
call rttov_direct( &
& errorstatus, &! out error flag
& chanprof, &! in channel and profile index structure
& opts, &! in options structure
& profiles, &! in profile array
& coefs, &
& transmission, &! inout computed transmittances
& radiance, &
& calcemis=calcemis, &
& emissivity=emiss &! inout input emissivities per channel
call rttov_parallel_direct( &
& errorstatus, &! out error flag
& chanprof, &! in channel and profile index structure
& opts, &! in options structure
& profiles, &! in profile array
& coefs, &
& transmission, &! inout computed transmittances
& radiance, &
& calcemis=calcemis, &
& emissivity=emiss, &! inout input emissivities per channel
& nthreads= nthreads &
if(radiance % bt(1)<0)then
print*,' RTTOV EXIT : calculation error'
bt(:) = radiance%bt(:)
quality(:) = radiance%quality(:)
emiss_out(:) = emiss(:) % emis_out
! print*,'BT=',radiance%bt(:),radiance%quality(:),quality
! if(maxval(radiance%quality(:))>0)stop
! stop
asw = 0 ! deallocate radiance arrays
call rttov_alloc_rad (errorstatus,channelbin,radiance,nlevels,asw,radiance2)
asw = 0 ! deallocate profile arrays
call rttov_alloc_prof (errorstatus,nprof,profiles,nlevels,opts,asw)
asw = 0 ! deallocate profile arrays
call rttov_alloc_transmission (errorstatus,transmission,nlevels,channelbin,asw)
! call rttov_dealloc_coefs(errorstatus,coefs)
! if(landseamask/=3)then
! CALL rttov_deallocate_emis_atlas(emis_atlas)
! endif
End subroutine RTTOV_fwd